This section of our site allows you to search flightless travel routes which have been completed by other travellers. This allows you to get firsthand experience from people who have done the route you are planning.
Your search results can be filtered based on travel times, method of transport or by the route rating score. If you want to know more about the start or end locations we recommend a quick search on which seems to have most places covered. If you're not sure about the geographic location of certain places, will usually point you in the right direction.
Once you select your preferred destination more detailed information should be provided on costs and travel times. When looking at costs remember if you are travelling on your own you may have to pay a bit more, for example, two people can share the cost of a taxi. There may also be details from other users on what they thought was good or bad about the route you have selected.
How to Search our Database for a Specific Route
Plan your Journey - Search Database
The Plan Your Journey search engine allows users of the site to select their start location.
Our system then brings up a list of possible end points listed in alphabetical order.
Details such as cost and travel time are provided for specific routes.
If you cannot find your preferred route, try searching for it in the opposite direction, if you still cannot find it you can use our forum pages to ask for help and advice from our members.
Remember to come back to and record your journey once you have done it!